Membership Details

The students, faculty members and staff members of the SIIB are entitled to become the member of the library.

  • Every user of the Library will get 4 Cards, 3 for issuing books and 1 for issuing back dated issue of the periodical.

  • These Library cards are non-transferable.

  • The teaching and the non-teaching staff are required to sign in the issue register while issuing or returning the issues of the periodicals.

  • While entering in the library and leaving the library, the users are required to do the entry in the PC provided at the entrance of the Library through KOHA In/ Out system.

  • If a user is found with a library material not issued to him/ her, strict action will be taken.

  • Books / Periodicals are issued for a period of 7 days. Any book / Periodical returned after the due date is charged a fine of Rs.5 per day.

  • The users should not write or disfigure the library books/ periodicals and due care must be taken in due respect.

  • The member must check the physical condition of the book or else while returning the book he/ she will be charged to pay for the cost of the book.

  • The loss of borrower’s card must be intimated to the Librarian immediately and the user will be issued a duplicate card on payment of Rs.100. The Library staff will not be responsible for misuse of the lost library card of the member.

  • Photocopy facility: Material from Reference section may be photocopied by the students with the permission of the Librarian. Request for photocopying the entire book / Journal will not be entertained.

  • Use of the Library by the outsiders: Outsiders are not permitted to issue books outside the Library. They may be allowed to use the Reference section on payment of Rs.100/- per day. The Librarian has the discretionary powers to allow / refuse admission to an outsider to use the library and her/his decision shall be deemed final.