MBA – Sustainability Management

Student Projects


Sr. No. Project Title
1 To Enable Ikea Supply Partners in India To Use 100% Renewable Electricity
2 1. ESG Market Outreach Strategy for The Company

2. ESG Reporting for A Client as Per GRESB

3. Implementing Demand-Side Management Measures of DISCOMs of North and North-East on Behalf of Bee

3 Environmental, Social, And Corporate Governance (ESG) Reporting Frameworks
4 Water Risk Assessment for All Sites and Making GHG Emissions Dashboard
5 Power Trading of Excess Electricity Produced by Wind Energy During Night
6 Policy Mapping of Companies for BRSR Reports to Ensure the BRSR Reports Accurately Reflect the Client’s Policies and Practices and Benchmarking for The Companies for Their Annual Report
7 1. Formulation of Sustainability Report for FY Year 2022-23 for Sprng Energy as Per GRI Standards

2. Analyzing Market Shift on Project Execution Strategies for Energy Projects in India

8 ESG – Benchmarking of Utility Sector
9 Evaluation of The Cement Sector’s Contribution to SDG
10 Validation and Analysis of Assets
11 Study of Various Resource and Waste Assessments Applicable to The Indian Industry
12 Benchmarking of The Utility Sector – E Pillar (ESG Analyst Intern)
13 Philippines Electricity Market Database Development and Market Study of Prospective Clients in Asia
14 Implementation of Environmental & Social Management Plans (ESMPS)
15 Sustainable Construction Practices
16 Internal Benchmarking of Cement Plants for Sedex Certification
17 ESG Intern
18 ESG Analysis for Utility Sector
19 Energy Management
20 Impact Identification and Analysis of Retrofitting Equipment to Reduce the Sulfur Content in Flue Gas Discharge
21 Study of Existing and Proposed Global Sustainability Reporting Landscape and Its Applicability to Eaton
22 Phase 1- Environmental Site assessment as Per ASTM Standards
23 Taking Stock of Public Expenditure to Restore and Sustain Nature in India
24 A Study On Usage of AFR in Cement Industry – A Case Study of Ambuja Cement Limited, Ambujanagar Plant
25 Estimation of Domestic Carbon Demand in India
26 Deliver Solutions to Enhance Data Integrity and Inclusiveness of ESG Journey
27 Competitive Analysis of Lemiride and Lemiwander
28 B2B Exhibition and Vendor interfacing Events For EE/RE Technology Under GEF-UNIDO-BEE Project
29 Industrial Decarbonisation of Fertilizer Sector
30 Materiality assessment and GHG Inventory
31 Develop Annual Reports and Sustainability Reports to assess Organizational Performance
32 Sustainability intern – LCA
33 LCA and Business Development
34 Increase RDF Utilization in the Cement Kiln Generated From the MSW and Feasibility assessment in India
35 Waste Management in BPCL
36 Report Showing Scope 1 and Scope 2 Emissions of the Organization, Calculation and Methodology Used, and A Plan of Action to Mitigate them. If Mitigation Is Not Practically Feasible, An offset Plan to Be Considered Detailed Report Showing the Value Chain of the Product, Its Carbon Footprint, and Ways to Make the Product Carbon Neutral
37 Taking Stock of Public Expenditure to Restore and Sustain Nature in India
38 Opportunity and Strategy to Deliver A Net Zero offering to Data Centers Through Partnerships With Renewable Energy Suppliers
39 Business Plan Preparation
40 Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Process
41 Stakeholder Engagement Framework, internal Sustainability Index For Setting as KPI
42 ESG Data Integrity & Inclusiveness
43 Calculating the Carbon Footprint of A Product of A Chocolate Manufacturing Company
44 To Calculate the Carbon Footprint of Chocolate Company
45 ESH Framework (Gate to Gate) Exercise
46 Fire Safety Audit For 110Kv/132Kv/220Kv/400Kv Substations Under EHV Circle Sangli and Jalgaon
47 Business Consulting intern with Primary Focus on Health and Safety Standards
48 Decentralized Renewable Energy Markets
49 Campus Ambassador Internship
50 Green Assessments of Business
51 Solar PV System and Solar Hot Water Comparison
52 A Study On Usage of AFR in Cement Industry – A Case Study of Ambuja Cement Limited, Ambujanagar Plant
53 Carbon Factors for Industrial Products/Processes in India
54 Research and Analysis of Paper Recycling and Paper Upcycling
Marketing and Client Handling in the Area of Waste Management
55 Study of Existing and Proposed Global Sustainability Reporting Landscape
56 Identification and assessment of ESG Risks associated With the Company’s Portfolio
57 Business Consulting intern With Primary Focus on Health and Safety Standards